
Remarks on cyber security & other topics

The Dangers of JSONP

This post is about how I learned of JSONP as an attack vector. This isn’t a new vulnerability, but it’s just nice that I discovered it on my own.

A note on Same-Origin Policy

Same-Origin Policy (SOP) prevents a webpage from reading data on a different domain. So if you open a tab with hacker.com, your browser won’t let it read data on bank.com. There are notable exceptions, like <img> and <script> tags. However, browsers strictly limit their scope. For example, a webpage can only execute a cross-domain script, not read its contents.

Some interesting behavior

Playing with traffic in Burp I observed the following behavior. Whatever you pass in the “callback” parameter is reflected in the response.

Request: GET /sensitive_resource?callback=myFunction
Response: myFunction({"key1":"data1", "key2":"data2", ...})

Request: GET /sensitive_resource?callback=AAAAAAAA
Response: AAAAAAAA({"key1":"data1", "key2":"data2", ...})

My first instinct was to test for XSS, but all output was correctly encoded. The response contained private data, but it required an authenticated session to access.

(Later on I learned that this request/response behavior is an old technique called JSONP. It was used to get around Same-Origin Policy restrictions before CORS came about.)

The exploit

What if we request that resource from a <script> tag on the attacker’s webpage? Notice that the response data is wrapped with a JavaScript function call that we control. Can we pre-define that function on the attacker’s webpage?


var exfil_function = function(data) {
  parsed_data = response_specific_parsing(data);

<script src="https://www.victim.com/sensitive_resource?callback=exfil_function"> </script>

And it works! The cross-domain script executes exfil_function({"key1":"data1", "key2":"data2", ...}), and since we control the definition of exfil_function, we can have it read the data!

Now when an authenticated victim views this malicious webpage, it does a cross-domain read of the sensitive resource and exfiltrates the private data.

Lesson: don’t use JSONP with private data

JSONP effectively disables Same-Origin Policy for a resource. So be cautious of using it with private data. Instead, use CORS, which gives you fine-grained and securely designed control over cross-origin sharing.

A slightly related vulnerability is JSON Hijacking. In conclusion, do not return sensitive data wrapped in JavaScript functions or arrays.